Linda Armstrong
A Positive Momentum partner since 2011
Career highlights include:
- General Manager – Global Partnering Centre of Excellence, BT Global Services
- Head of SI Business Development, BT Global Services
- Global Account Director – Accenture, BT Global Services
About Linda
Linda spent her early years chasing balls…(on the tennis court or the hockey pitch), so it isn’t surprising that she decided to kick-off her career as a tennis coach. It didn’t take long for Linda to realise she was ‘skint’ and to become curious about what else she could do to earn a living, and so she accepted a position at BUPA. Linda made a fast impression and left to continue to support her boss to set-up a US backed healthcare start-up.
The technology boom in the 90’s lured Linda into the world of Technology and Services, and she joined a 50-man European applications services provider (Lucent, Mitel & Converse Unified Messaging platforms), where she has had much success in sales, managing existing and bringing in new logo’s such as Body Shop, Diageo, Thomas Cook, HP and Dixons to name a few.
Linda worked at BT PLC, where she held a number of Leadership and General Management positions including leading complex relationships with Accenture and BSkyB.
More recently Linda, was given a remit by the BT Global Services Board to build a Partnership Centre of Excellence to provide BT Global Services with partnership expertise, supporting global outsource deals across both Public and Private Sector.
Linda’s leadership and change skills were also utilised within BT’s transformation journey; delivering people and organisational change programmes in the UK and overseas.
Pragmatic and energetic, Linda is a great asset, not least for her ability to accelerate people and business performance.
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